Books by Shannon
In Shannon Susko's books, she strives to impart her continuously evolving twenty-plus years of business experience and strategy. Through them, you'll learn how to build high-performing business teams using a prescriptive framework that will ensure you and your team are connected to your strategic execution system.
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The M Game provides top business thought leadership with over twenty years of proven practical experience in an easy to read and apply format.
The M Game, also known as The Metronomics Game, offers a comprehensive business operating system that entrepreneurs can rely on for sustained success. Once you start playing the M Game, there's no need for any other business operating system, as it provides everything you need to win your game, whatever that may be. This strategic approach focuses on creating maximum value in minimum time, ensuring that businesses are sustainable and scalable for the long term. Once you begin playing the M Game, there's no need to stop because it's an infinite game that offers ongoing growth and optimization.
Have you read the book and are ready to take The M Game Assessment? Find out where your company is today on your growth journey to activate the next steps to achieve your goals.
Take The M Game Growth Assessment
METRONOMICS unites top business thought-leadership with over twenty years of proven practical experience.
In this book, you’ll learn how to build a high-performing business team that achieves superior results with ease, speed, and confidence. You’ll learn the practical progression that ensures your team is fiercely connected to your strategic execution system. No matter what level you and your team are at right now, METRONOMICS will meet you where you are—and grow with you to the next level and beyond. The best-kept business secret for the past twenty years, METRONOMICS will allow your company to win your business Olympics every year, and as a leader, it will set you free.

Every company needs a 3HAG—a 3 Year Highly Achievable Goal!
The 3HAG WAY is a prescriptive framework that takes the guessing out of your strategy and ensures that you and your whole team are confident in where you are going. It breaks your strategy down into a clear and simple picture, allowing the whole team to see where the company is going and where it will end up in three years’ time.