The Metronomics Blog

Have You Met The KFFM (Key Function Flow Map)? Formerly Known As The KPFM!

3hag kffm Jan 29, 2021
The KFFM is a very simple but powerful visual representation of the flow of your business and creates an understanding of the relationships between each key function.

20+ years ago my leadership team and I were trying to get some clarity of the key functions in our business.

How the functions worked together to make money, who owned them, and what flowed through them. We coined the term Key Process Flow Map (KPFM).  We used the KPFM in our first business, our second business, and then with all the CEO+LEADERSHIP teams I have coached. It works. But that doesn't mean it was perfect.

In 2018, we were asked and responded to coaches around the world to train them on the 3HAG WAY. The KPFM is Step 2 in the methodology. 

When training coaches and their clients to use this great view, which is an active foundation for execution, we realized through the feedback we received along with the KPFM’s strategic pictures, that coaches and their clients had misunderstood the purpose of this critical foundational piece of the Metronome Compound Growth System powered by 3HAG WAY. And it was all our fault! We misled everyone by calling this FUNCTION flow map a PROCESS flow map - which it is not.

After much consultation, listening and learning, we have decided to rename the KPFM to what it should have been called all along – the Key Function Flow Map (KFFM).

The KFFM is a high level, internal view of how the organization makes money. It is a view that most entrepreneurs haven’t seen before, but after seeing it, can no longer live without. It is the KEY to keeping the business moving and helping build the company for the future.

The KFFM creates functional clarity for the CEO and the entire team!!

The KFFM creates clarity on the “things” that are moving between each function. 

The KFFM helps you design and build the organization to drive to your 3HAG, your 3-Year Highly Achievable Goal. Your 3HAG will only be highly achievable if you are able to forecast the non-fiscal “things” that are required to grow to achieve your fiscal goals and beyond. 

Revenue, profit, and cash are an outcome of how many “things” flow through your KFFM.

If you map, forecast, plan and deliver on those “things” that flow through your organization then you can easily make better, faster decisions needed to grow your organizations’ revenue, profit and cash.

The KFFM represents the highest level of any organizations’ functions that exist. 

It represents, simply, how a company makes money. It shows with clarity the key functions of the organization, how they interact, the person accountable for the function, how well the function is currently operating, and what “things” flow in and out of the function and through the company. 

This dynamic active view provides a real time scoreboard for every company who creates the KFFM. 

With Metronome Software every company can actively create and grow their organization founded on their KFFM. 

You can learn more through our Metronome Software Getting Started checklist and create the best proven interactive view of your organization that connects your plan to your company’s performance. 

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