Aug 08, 2017
I am with my 14 year old son, Cain, at the #PremiereProgram in Orlando, Florida – the largest global performing arts program dedicated to showcasing Actors, Models, Dancers and Singers to industry professionals who specialize in kids programming between the ages 5-20 year old. The courage of these young people blow me away. Absolutely blow me away.
Cain is part of the 14 and Older group that is known as the 6000 Group. This program kicked off today – with 6000 Group Coaches David, Mark and Shortstop.
Coach David kicked off by asking the group of 14-20 year old aspiring Actors – “Are you AWESOME?” The response was nervous, tentative, not sure of themselves. To this keen young crowd Coach David shared the 3 Steps of being AWESOME everyday:
STEP 1: “You are AWESOME” – you are awesome because you have chosen to be here to get up in front of people and put yourself on the line. It takes courage to overcome your “what ifs”. “What if I fail.” And instead you must be open…..reveal yourself…..we all have it inside. It’s a gift. Share it. Share your gift.
David: Say it “I AM AWESOME” and get in to the I am AWESOME pose – open up and stand strong. The “I am AWESOME POSE” – stand with your feet should width apart, and hands in the air wider that your shoulders with your fists clenched in a position thatyou will not be knocked over”. Like a Superman pose.
If you ever feel the “what if” coming on – stand up and get in the pose and hold for 10 seconds. This sounds silly – but it opens up your body and your mind to get into an AWESOME frame of mind.
From now on – when you pass another 6000 actor or their parent in the hall, in a restaurant, at the hotel, where ever – just raise your arms above your head, fists clenched to acknowledge their awesomeness. You don’t even need to stay a word.
STEP 2: “Show up and be the Awesome you can be.”– Be Present. Tune in to the “Yes I can – I am Awesome” voice. Leave the “what if” voice behind. Take advantage of the opportunity provided – make it happen in the time you have. Know that you can make it happen. Just do it.
STEP 3: “Spread Awesome” – help each other out. Support each other. Everyone gets better because of it. Share it. Look to the left and right – tell others they are awesome. Everyday ensure that you are spreading the awesome by telling others, supporting others, and helping others.
TRANSFORM: Coach Mark shared a great story of where he came from to be AWESOME: “Most people are seeking validation from others. Mark is over 6”5’ tall – was bullied from 5-20 years old. He was so focused on making other people happy and realized he needed to stop seeking validation from others. And finally, at 20 – he realized he did not need to live like that any longer. He started living for himself, loving himself. He then had the courage to take a new path. Mark was an accountant for 5-6 years, got bored. He took a risk and started performing. It is what he loved doing. He became happier and better person every day. The more he focused on doing what he loved the happier and the more confident he became in himself. You need to transform yourself. Let yourself transform. Confidence is everything. People who are confident – not arrogant – attract people to them. Attract opportunities to them.”
How do you become confident – knowing yourself, knowing what makes you happy, knowing what you loved to do and then get GRITTY about getting it done. Whatever you love to do.
I am very very shy. Most people that know me today do not know that about me. I had to transform myself, my shyness. Knowing myself, knowing what makes me happy, knowing what I love to do, believing in myself and being so gritty about getting it done. As a CEO, day by day, as a CEO Coach, day by day, as a Public Speaker, day by day. I had to stay focused on being awesome and throw away the “what if’s”. I wish I had these rules when I was in grade school. It does not matter how old you are and what you want to do – remember “You are AWESOME”. Stand up get in the pose and say it – “I am AWESOME”.
Today as a CEO Coach – I say “Awesome” a lot. I love sharing “Awesome”. I thought until today too much – but today – listening to the kick off from the 6000 Group coaches(David, Mark and Shortstop) – I will continue to say “Awesome” a lot. Share “Awesome”. And Be AWESOME!