CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp Powered by Metronomics: Coaching Leaders To Success
Aug 10, 2020
Growing a business is challenging and there’s no doubt about that. Sometimes, those challenges are internal and you can manage them more intimately. However, world economic challenges, such as pandemics or wars, are not elements that we have any say in. As these challenges may create conflict with your goals, they force you to put more time in your work rather than in other aspects of your personal life. What about your team? How are they feeling? Drained? Unaligned? Probably both.
When a team succeeds together, it creates momentum and drive to be able to tackle any challenges as well as an ability to pivot the company’s angle to reach success. But how does one ensure that the team is truly aligned and aware of the goals that are needed to achieve? How do you pivot? How do you create highly achievable goals that everyone buys into to ensure that by the end, you are able to kick back and enjoy the life that you’ve been dreaming of?
If you’ve been asking yourself these questions again and again, we completely understand. At Metronome United, we know firsthand how challenging surpassing your current plateau or breaking through it can truly be. Each individual business is unique to their industry and we want to help you and your leadership team evolve your current framework. After all, the old saying that ‘teamwork is dream work’ rings true. A truly united and aligned team helps to ensure the success of today and will deliver the success of tomorrow. To help you achieve success and have the life that you want, we have created the CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp Powered by Metronomics.
So what is the CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp anyways? This highly collaborative virtual bootcamp features two interactive four-hour sessions spread over two days. It’s not about just sitting and listening or showing slides - we focus on coaching leaders with an active program that’s focused on you and gets you working immediately. You’ll be moving through collaborative work sessions with Metronome United’s Certified coaches who will focus on your unique business, allowing for you to immediately put into practice everything that you have workshopped over the past couple of days.
There’s so much for you to achieve when you work with the leadership coaching provided by the CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp Powered by Metronomics. Here’s a quick summary:
- Clarity of and alignment on long-term, near-term and short-term business goals
- A true understanding of the strategic side of the business
- More insight around the roles and responsibilities within the business
- Alignment of your team to the goals, priorities and plan
- Deeper understanding of your core customer or client
- Clarity on a three-year Highly Achievable Goal (3HAG)
- A Key Process Flow Map for your Company (you’ll map the key processes of your business)
The CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp Powered by Metronomics is different from any other bootcamp or business work session that you’ve attended because we not only offer proven methodologies that we’ve used to build our own successful businesses, but also an ongoing and evolving strategic framework to growing success. How are we going to do that?
- It’s All Virtual
Our entire bootcamp is done online, making it accessible from anywhere, more affordable and more flexible. You don’t have to worry about the hassle or potential dangers of travel for you, your team or your coach, as you can tune in from anywhere around the world. Additionally, you can pick a bootcamp session that actually works for you during our set dates and times without the worry of figuring out how and when you can get to a location.
- It’s Interactive
You’re not just sitting and listening to lectures, staring at slides or endlessly taking notes - you’ll be actively working and collaborating with your team throughout the bootcamp. Through our experiences coaching leaders, we have found that the best way to learn something new is by putting it into practice. Therefore, we’ve focused on creating an interactive experience that will have you applying the principles to your own business as we go.
- It’s Focused on the Long-Term
While coaching leaders, many bootcamps tend to look at short-term execution, goals and results, trying to figure out what the best thing to do today and tomorrow is. However, we look at the future, emphasizing long-term planning and the strategic side of the business with our Compound Growth System in order to move forward with confidence.
- The Price!
Most work sessions or bootcamps charge per head - we charge one fee for the entire leadership team, as many people as you’d like to bring! In fact, the best value for our CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp is when the whole team attends rather than just the CEO ($499 for all vs. $1499 for the CEO only). In other words, DO NOT COME ALONE. You want your whole team in attendance to make the changes needed to get to the goals that you want to reach.
The goal of this bootcamp is for the entire team to leave with a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the company. In order to make the most of your time with us, the entire team needs to be there, creating maximum buy-in and support from the different contributing departments throughout the business. This is why we follow this unique pricing model.
Here are the three virtual tools that you will be leveraging while you attend these sessions:
1) Zoom Meeting (
Because our entire CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp is virtual, we use Zoom Meetings to, well, meet! This way, you don’t need to have everyone in one room - your team can tune in from wherever they are around the world! Leadership teams and their CEOs will be placed into ‘breakout rooms’ as individual companies with an assigned coach. You and your team will then work with them on the various exercises and practices.
2) Mural (
This virtual Post-It Note-like system allows you to collaboratively work through different exercises, leaving key insights and notes for one another. You don’t need to create a Mural account before you attend Bootcamp - we will invite you as a Metronome United account guest. We will share your team’s notes with you following the bootcamp sessions for future reference. If you do decide that you love this system and you want to sign up for their services, we are happy to share your notes with you again once your account is created.
3) Metronome Growth Systems (MGS) (
This software is what we’ll be using from start to finish through the bootcamp sessions to work through the exercises to help you develop your highly achievable goals, get clarity of your short-term and long-term goals, define your key process flow map and develop your growth plan.
MGS is our own proprietary software created as a cloud-based platform that you can use on your cell phone, laptop, tablet or computer. It was designed for CEOs, leadership teams and business coaches to help drive growth using Compound Growth Systems - structured strategic meeting planning based on priorities, data and meeting rhythms. You’ll learn how this software will help you and your leadership team put into the practice the positive habits to assure your continued growth and success.
Thinking about how to best prepare for the CEO+LEADERSHIP Bootcamp? We prefer CEOs and their leadership teams come in with a so-called ‘clean slate’ with no agenda, bias or opinion on what needs to be accomplished. While working together as a group, it ensures better collaboration and the ability to agree upon what the challenges and goals are, leading to higher buy-in among all involved in the creation process.
You can also skim through our recommended readings, The Metronome Effect and The 3HAG Way, to get a basic idea of some of the concepts that you’ll be covering throughout the bootcamp sessions. There are also some amazing videos available for you to take a look at, the 3HAG Way Year 1 - Part 1-11 (use code: STAYHOMELEARN to access). Again, you don’t need to watch all of the videos or go too in-depth on the books - we’d like for you and your team to learn and discover your challenges and goals together during the bootcamp.