The Metronomics Blog


3hag bhag business ceo growth leadership learning roi success Dec 03, 2019

When we co-founded our first company in 1995, we were looking for the easiest and fastest way to grow our company with confidence and ease. We wanted “hockey stick” growth. Who doesn’t, really? It took our team 5 years and reading 500+ books to figure out that there was no “silver bullet” solution. But what we did learn was that there is a one Growth System that exists for all companies. And if you COMMIT to this system, it sure makes growing your company easier, with confidence, and a whole lot of fun!




  1. Cash System
  2. Execution System
  3. Cultural System
  4. Strategy System
  5. Team Cohesive System
  6. Human System

At this moment, your company for sure has a Cash System and an Execution System. We did too. But this is where we got stuck. We got stuck as we wanted to grow our organization fast and easy – we wanted to know we were heading in the right direction with every decision we made. We were bumping along the YELLOW line shown in the graph below.

We had, what is considered best practice, a BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOAL (as Jim Collins coined). We were clear where we wanted to end up in 10-30 years. But this seemed so HAIRY and AUDACIOUS that no one believed it at all. It was out there. Siloed. And we were stuck!


In order to bring everything together, we decided to commit to growth and create a 3-Year Highly Achievable Goal, a “3HAG” (as coined in my second book – 3HAG WAY) – to create a stepping stone to make our BHAG more believable and surely achievable.  In order to make it even clearer and simpler, we validated with a full review of our strategy, based on the top thought leaders’ strategic tools of our time. We followed a 12 step by step plan to get the clarity we needed to make confident decisions with the whole team.

What this did for our team was create a clear path from our quarterly plans to our annual plans, and from our annual plans to our 3HAG, with a clear line of sight for all team members. This created the confidence we needed and aligned the team to the plan, making it easier and way more fun to execute. The team created the plan and owned it. We now had the momentum we needed to get moving, to start driving the company to where we wanted to go.


What we realized; is this was the first step of many continuous steps to create the long-term repeatable system we were looking for. We wanted to take the thinking out of the process and put it all into the company. The continuous step by step system made growing a company easy. This is where the Metronome Growth System comes into play.

The Metronome Growth System we developed is a repeatable and easy to follow system that allows all leaders and team members to drive the growth of the company. In a fun and confident way. It is a prescriptive system – which I love! It takes the thinking out of the process and allows us to put our thinking time into our people, strategy, execution and cash. And the Green line above shows the results on average companies are achieving when they commit to the Metronome Growth System.

If you want to grow your company with confidence and ease, get the results shown above and have a lot of fun doing it – check out one of 3HAG workshops happening in a city near you, engage a 3HAG Certified Coach or download the Invitation to 3HAG Way so you can get a jump start on 3X’ing your growth with ease and confidence today.

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