Over 15 years ago – I was deep in chaos with a fast growing team and company. Every day was like a week, every week like a month, and every month like a year. Time was flying and we had to...
Recently, I rewatched Kathryn Schulz’s TED TALK that synopses her book, Being Wrong. It is one of my favourite business books. It is such a humbling reminder that we are...
When I was CEO of two high-growth companies, I was constantly asked questions. It felt like my main responsibility was being the question master. Initially, I made the mistake of trying to answer...
Every team member should have a functional scorecard...
Much like players in football, soccer, or hockey. Each own a specific position. Just as athletes know their roles and how to contribute to...
We all speak our own unique language – we may use the same spoken words, but the words mean different things, our body language means different things, our emotions, motivations, etc. are all...
What makes the Metronomics system so effective? How can the system work for my company?
As I talk with CEOs around the world, the question that is consistently asked is “Why is 3HAG Way with...
You, digitally.
Whether you know it or not, you have a personal brand
Whether you know it or not, you have a personal brand.
A personal brand is what people think of when they hear your name, see...
Answer: There isn’t a difference. Let us show you why…
Business is a team sport
Business is a team sport. Just like soccer, baseball, or field hockey. And each business team is...
The TEAM side of your business.
What are soft-edge systems?
METRONOMICS is one united system to grow up your team, company, and life. It’s a system that has been developing, evolving, and...
“It fills the gaps.”
What is METRONOMICS (and where did it come from)?
METRONOMICS is one united system. It’s a system that has been developing, evolving, and improving for 20+...
Why? Because it's the foundation of your business strategy!!
One of the greatest skills you can have is the ability to look at things from an all-around perspective.
This is true in...
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